Saturday, April 24, 2010

More on Surviving December 21, 2012

Surviving December-21-2012 - It is a great advantage understanding that the revelations stating the end of the world as we know it on December 21st 2012 are not found in the Book of Revelations. These predictions found in Revelations do tell us of the end, and just may help us learn how to survive 2012, but there is no specification of a particular date.

If you believe in the Bible you may take the prophecies contained in this great book as evidence. If you are of those that do not believe in the Bible, then you are going to need corroborating evidence. The evidence about 2012 lies within far more known predictions of these events that will come to pass, and they are not found in the Bible. You will need to become familiar with these predictions if you are going to be amongst the few of us surviving 2012. The Bible is not the only source of knowledge that we have access to about the end of the world.

The Mayan calendar is the source of the date December 21, 2012. I know that immediately there are a number of people who are rolling their eyes reading this right now. How can the Mayan civilization, which ceased to exist centuries ago, have documents with any real truth to them about our pending doom or surviving 2012? Even if this Mayan Calendar had any real truth to it wouldn't the time-lines be mismatched to our modern calendar? It is true that we may have changed the sequence of days followed, but we have not and cannot change the movements of stars and planets.

The Mayan calendar has given us an endless amount of astronomically predicted events that have been proven to come to fruition. I know that we are progressed enough to understand that it is possible for a society who lived on this planet so long ago to have knowledge of something that we may not necessarily get yet. It may be imperative to our surviving 2012. Basically it comes down to spending a good amount of time studying such things in order to understand them.

Think about this for a moment; The Mayans have proven that they were unbelievably skilled in the science of astronomy and mathematics. Along with their 3500 year long calendar they also created a type of mathematical calculator that is extremely correct. Scientists have checked the accuracy of the calculator and used it to determine the end date of the Mayan calendar. This in turn has been checked with the mapping of the stars. Many state of the art computerized astronomical mapping programs have been used to validate the predictions and accuracy of the Mayan calendar. Are you starting to think that there might be something to this surviving 2012?

The Aztecs are another prehistoric civilization like the Mayans who have made a calendar that agrees with these predictions. It boggles the mind to think that there is another calendar in a completely different civilization that agrees with the predictions of December 21, 2012.

This prediction that the world will end is echoed throughout the prophecies of the world. Some examples include the Bible, I-Ching, and Nostradamus to name a few. Although these are outdated they are very powerful for a reason. The Web Bot program is a more modern system that further shows the truth to 2012.

In astrology, December 21, 2012 has greater significance on our lives as it is the actual date that the Age of Aquarius begins. Every age has a beginning, and this is ours.

2012 discovery only comes when searching for the truth about 2012 and how to survive. Learn more now by visiting here==>  Surviving December-21-2012 . It is absolutely essential that we fill ourselves with as much knowledge as possible in order to be among the few surviving 2012. Are you ready to join the revolution?

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