Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Hopi Know How To Survive 2012

End Of World 2012 - Because of the Hopi people we understand the Earth's magnetic fields and the power that is involved in keeping in tuned with them. This has been a deep rooted understanding among the Hopi people since the beginning.

Respecting nature and caring for its balance has always been the Hopi people's purpose on this green planet. Observing and understanding the physical and spiritual connection between all life and the world that we live in has been the basis for their society and life for generations. This connection is as strong today as it has ever been and continues to teach the Hopi to prepare for the coming changes; enabling the Hopi to be among the few who know how to survive 2012.

All the people in all the societies of our world have had this strong connection to nature and the world we live in at one point in time. Unfortunately there are very few of us who actually recall this deep rooted connection of our ancestors. Most of us in this beautiful green Earth that we live in have traded in any kind of spiritual and physical balance with our planet for superficial power and material wealth.

Being spiritually and mentally disconnected has actually forced many of us to become desensitized to the actions taking place in the world around us; leaving us oblivious to any signs or indications that we have to change the way in which we are living. This lack of connection is making us unable to be among the few who know how to survive 2012.

The majority of individuals, who live in our supposedly progressed society, have indeed disconnected themselves from nature. Because of this unfortunate phenomenon we would, or at least the vast majority would, be unable to feed ourselves. Unfortunately this will most definitely be the case if the only source of food was to grow your own in predictably unfavorable conditions of soil and climate. It is the Hopi's understanding of this and so much more that will allow them to be among those who know how to survive 2012.

The destruction of the natural balance of our planet and everything on it is directly connected with the tremendous increase of natural disasters we are experiencing all around the world today.

It is an extremely powerful possibility that the mining of oil, rocks and metals from the Earth's core is the very reason our planet's poles are beginning to shift and our Earth's magnetic fields are changing. Science tells us that these deposits serve a more significant purpose in keeping the balance of nature than to be removed and consumed in grossly over exaggerated amounts. This could be the very reason why we even need to worry about how to survive 2012.

Like the Mayans, the Hopi have always had an extremely close relationship to the world that we live in. It is through their teachings that we learn of ancient life on this planet. Through the study of nature and stars these amazingly advanced cultures teach us of past peoples who have called this planet home. These civilizations have all made the same mistakes that humanity of this current creation continue to make now. The dwellers of this beautiful green planet have all misused technology and disconnected themselves from everything. When civilization refuses to change, the Earth is destroyed. Only those that truly understand this will know how to survive 2012.

The only hope, for the very few, will be in learning from those who are more attuned to the world. We can be among those few if we only allow ourselves to be open to what is being taught. Will you be amongst the few who know how to survive 2012?

2012 discovery only comes when searching for the truth about 2012 and how to survive. Learn more now by visiting here==> 2012 Doomsday. It is absolutely essential that we fill ourselves with as much knowledge as possible in order to be among the few surviving 2012. Are you ready to join the revolution?

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