Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What Is Happening On December 21, 2012?

There is more to the entire End Of World 2012 phenomenon than the Mayan calendar. You may have recently heard that to the “ancient Mayans” reaching the finish of a cycle was cause for a major celebration, not the finish of the world. Yet, there is still cause for concern over the arrival of Winter Solstice on December 21, 2012. In truth, the Maya people do not predict the finish of the world arriving on December 21, 2012. They do however predict that it will be the time that humanity will transcend in to spiritually evolving, a time of peace & beauty.

Exactly what is all of the excitement over this date? December 21, 2012 is the date that the Mayan Long Count calendar ends. The ancient Mayas developed the more complicated & intense calendar technique the world has ever known. Their Long Count time recordings are based on a count of 26,500 years for a complete length of an age, a full cycle in the times of Earth. This long cycle is divided in to 5 equal cycles of 5,125 years. Right now they are at the finish of the 5th cycle in the Long Count calendar. The age they currently are living in comes to a close at the finish of the known long cycle as recorded by the Mayans.

To those populations who occupy Western civilizations, December 21, 2012 is also the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. To the ancient Maya, the Western zodiac has absolutely no meaning. By the same token, the Maya sacred ceremony of the crystal skulls has no meaning to those from the West or the North. The confusion over what is going on can be traced back to when the current age of man was young, namely to the Tower of Babel. Each ancient culture has its own interpretation on the finish of the world which is the same as the finish of this age.

In the Bible, it states “at the finish of this current wicked age of man”, which is directly connected to the prophecies & predictions know as the “end of time” & the “end of the world”. According to the knowledge that has been compiled, the events said to be coming on December 21 2012 will be more of a compilation of all of the world’s ancient cultures rushing together to the same aim. This is not as far fetched as you may assume without giving the subject a great deal of study & thought.

It is up to you if you want to be among the few surviving December 21 2012. The only way that you can be among the few surviving this date is by absorbing as much information on this date as you can. Once you have sufficient knowledge of all the predictions and prophecies that are surrounding December 21 2012 you will be prepared for what is to come.

Travel to the ==> 2012 Doomsday site to learn more.

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